Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Self Sabotage

Self-Sabotage, Temptation, and Fear.

1 Corinthians 16:13-14 - Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.

1) Self inflicted sabotage isn’t something that just hits you.

It’s an invasive enemy. - It seduces and lures you in.
You’re devoted to your career, working hard and doing it all. You feel accomplished and needed. But, over time you wonder why you’re the only one still at the office that really cares? You begin to realize that all the emergencies make their way to you. The flattery falls flat as each compliment ends with the sting of a last minute assignments, or family expectations are dropped in your lap.
Maybe the temptation of the chasing the “ American Dream” - working hard, making money, achieving goal, and objectives look, taste, and feel really good. Until one day the drive to juggle the 60+ hours a week, the 24/7 on call status, and take care of a crisis family. Add to the fact due to you're business of chasing the American Dream you have neglected your faith, and not taken good care of yourself emotionally, spiritually, or physically.

Sound like someone you know?

Next stop….full-fledged burnout. It snuck up on you. Maybe you didn’t realize that things weren't balanced like you thought. In the end you had depleted all of you're emotional, spiritual and physical reserves and start searching for your escape route.

Q) Is your schedule busy to bring glory to God's name? 

Q) In the last 24 hours how much of that time did you set aside for Christ? 

A Straighter Path
To end the self-sabotage is to wait on the Lord.
  1. Don’t react based on guilt.
  2. Let’s bring it to the Lord and ask our Father to help us discern what is true and what is lies.
  3. Don’t act based on feelings.
  4. Wether failure or success everything will work out for God's Kingdom purpose!

Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

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