Sunday, March 11, 2012

Youthful Churches?

Lent is often thought of as a season of "No." We say no to steak,
chocolate or Facebook or TV or some other bad habit that we think
would be worth saying goodbye to for a few weeks.

But what if Lent was seen as the season of "Yes." What if the reason
for saying "No" to some of that stuff was really a reason to say "Yes"
to things that really matter -- to the things Jesus says "Yes" to?
What if Lent was the season to say "Yes" to a richer prayer life, a
deeper study of scripture, and more involvement to 
the ministry of youth in our church?

What if Lent was seen as a season to say "Yes" to real youth ministry,
by sharing our faith with young?

How does evaluating, re-evaluating, and mirco-evaluating
their ministry team plans, begin to mentor, and equip the young
saints of our Triune God? 

In the spirit of forward progress "ministry teams"  plans, programs,
and curriculums must be flexible and meet the needs of the saints.

How does anyone the needs if time is not spent with them? 

The primary importance is to bring glory to God in everything we do!

We should build on biblical principles instead of fads, hype, and shallow youth

Lets study the life of Christ in the gospels and watch however He
did ministry and mentored His disciples. Timothy, II Timothy, and
Titus. Watch what Timothy’s mentor taught him about leadership,
character, and ministry. 

It is not a quick fix or easy at the outset.

Click on the link below. This is the imperative only start for any
church to begin grow. "Creating Youthful Churches" Pastor David

Hang in there for the youth, Luther did! 

Brian Arthur Lampe
President CEO Ministries

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