Revelation 3:8 - "Behold, I have set before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a little strength, and have kept My Word and have not denied My name."
The biblical promise of an open door which no one can shut sounds almost too good to be true. And yet this is exactly what is promised in Revelation 3:8. Wow!
Does this mean God is promising me an open door to that better job or position I've been looking for?
Does it mean my practically non-existent love-life is about to open up in answer to my prayers?
Does it mean I can claim an entrance into any "closed door" in front of me?
Unfortunately, the answer to all these hypothetical questions is simply, No! The promise of an open door in Revelation 3:8 has nothing to do with better jobs or love-lives, etc. Now it may appear that the questions above contain overstated examples. It is a fact, however, that Revelation 3:8 has been wrongly applied to all kinds of "doors" by well-meaning Christians. This kind of improper application of Bible promises has left some believers disappointed when the "open doors" they claimed did not materialize. Well then, what is the open door that is promised in Revelation 3:8, and how should this definite promise be applied to growing Christians today?
One of the basic rules of applying any Scripture to ourselves is always to move from the question, "What did it mean then?" to the question, "How do we apply it now?" In other words, we cannot just jump into any promise of the Bible and indiscriminately apply it to any situation facing us today. We must first see from the Bible to whom the promise was originally made and under what exact conditions the promise was given. Then from that historical frame-work we can move to a well-grounded and properly "controlled" application for ourselves today.
The promise of the open door is contained in one of the letters addressed to the seven churches found in the second and third chapters of Revelation. These first century churches were located in the province of Asia (called Asia Minor today) of the Roman Empire. In the seven letters the Lord directly addressed these churches and spoke to them of their spiritual condition. He commended them for their good points and rebuked them for their shortcomings. He gave the promise of the open door to the church of Philadelphia. Although this church was just a small feeble church, they had kept the Lord's Word and they had not denied the Lord's name. They had been obedient to the Word of God in the face of increasing external pressures and persecutions from the pagan Roman world. And they had not been contaminated internally with the watered-down view of the work of Christ such as the early gnostics were propagating.
On the basis of their faithfulness, the Lord promised the church of Philadelphia an open door of opportunity to advance God's kingdom.
I don't know all the historical details of how the church of Philadelphia took advantage of its God-given opportunity to witness to the surrounding pagan region. However, we do know that a vigorous Christian testimony continued at Philadelphia when the lights of many other early churches were snuffed out.
Throughout Church history individual Christians, as well as whole congregations of God's people, have found conviction and strength in this portion of the Word of God. The promise of the open door has challenged many godly believers over the years to take advantage of the definite opportunities the Lord has given them to serve Him. This verse is the foundation of which CEO Ministries was founded on.
God leads Christians to specific churches to learn about Jesus. In God's time they are to grow stronger, and get equipped to lovingly serve our Triune God for His Kingdom efforts. The members of the congregation are all part of the blessings of the open door that the Lord gave and continues to give His Church.
What about the personal application of the open door promise?
Is it valid for individual growing Christians to claim this promise today and look for the open doors that God has personally given them? Yes! But remember that it is a door of opportunity to serve the Lord, not a guarantee of a better job or love-life or whatever. The open door is a God-given opportunity for you personally to advance His Kingdom in your early life as a Christian.
Leaving room for God's grace talk to your Pastor and together talk about if God is calling you into the full-time ministry. All roads don't lead to being a called worker. Ask your Pastor:
Q) How do I get equipped for God's Kingdom purpose while working a full-time job?
Q) Is there a Bible study that will help me become a godly father to my children?
Q) Is there a small group that can assist me to be a godly husband obedient to God's Word?
Your door of opportunity right now may be the un-glamorous one-on-one campus or office faith-sharing that is open before you. Your open door may be the opportunity to evangelize, starting with your own family.