Welcome to the ninth annual CEO Ministries Fearless Faith Mens workshop.
Who are you, and why are you here?
It seems so many guys want that answered as no one has ever told them. That is the job of a father, but today many otherwise good men do not seem to have fathers. Far too many of our brothers live day to day by accident, and have no real spiritual objectives in their lives.
When asked WHO ARE YOU??, A Christian with a Fearless Faith might answer - I Am A Mighty Man Of God, bought by the blood shed by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I Am motivated by God's Holy Spirit to Fight And Resist Evil Wherever I Find It, or it finds me.
This answer demonstrates a confidence in Christ, and communicates a simple matter of clarity of mission and purity of focus. To serve our Triune God with distinction, you must serve with your heart and your mind....all of it.
The next question may be WHAT DO YOU WANT?
A common secular man may ask for a Plasma TV, or to do something be fuel his shallow, lost, confused spirit?
The Spiritual man may ask HOW CAN I GLORIFY GOD TODAY?
Do not fall to the lie brothers...embrace the Lion's ferocity. And if you are skilled and you are strong, never forget that it is by His hand that you are these things. Being proud of what God has called you to do is one thing...being lazy and arrogant is quite another.
Psalm 144;1 1 Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.
Those are the answers of a clear mind, a clear mission and a pure focus. If that is you wake up! Snap out of the mundane, and laziness of the modern age and awake to your Christian Fearless Faith