Whether it’s Job loss, family issues, financial loss, pornography, an adulterous affair, prostitution, marital abandonment, (refusing to spend time with your spouse) it’s devastating.
Q) Has your world been shattered, and your marriage broken?
Q) Is the pain of betrayal worse than you imagined possible?
Q) Feelings of being isolated and alone?
Q) How can you tell your church friends what’s going on?
Q) How can anyone else possibly understand your pain?
Q) Where’s God in all of this?
Q) How could God let this happen to me?
Q) How can God bring any good out of this?
No matter what it feels like right now, God hasn’t abandoned you.
It may seem hard to believe, but God can, and wants to restore your marriage.There have been times when we have wavered, so we take it to God and receive forgiveness for unbelief, reinforce our original decree and go at it again. We all make mistakes in the walk of faith. The important thing is to keep walking. If you miss it, go at it again. The biggest mistake of all is to become discouraged and quit before God is finished working within you.
Have you encourage yourself in the Lord lately?
This requires a definite resolve on your part, an act of your volition.
1 Samuel 30
So David chose encouragement, not only to be encouraged—for there was no one around him who could, or would, do that for him—but to encourage himself. The most important thing to notice here, though, is that David did not encourage himself in himself. Rather, the
Scripture says that he encouraged himself in the LORD his God. You see, this was not just about David, for David had a covenant with God, and that made this whole thing God’s business.
Having encouraged himself, David was then able to move on to the solution God had prepared for this problem. To default on this decision would only have deepened his distress, and discouragement would have rendered him helpless. What is more, the wives and children of him and his men would have been lost forever.
Satan brings doubt and fuels uncertainty into our lives, and circumstances. Learn to recognize the moderator of your thought process. As far as we are concerned, our needs are met in the Gospel message of Christ Jesus. There is no doubt about it because we have agreed according to the Word of God.
Our confession and actions will be in line with what we have established as truth. Challenge yourselves in Jesus name to write down your agreements. Seeing it in black and white on paper will make a difference! You will be more likely to line up your confession and your actions with your agreements.
No need to worry about your disagreements the Devil has made you both aware of them.
Jesus said that if any two on earth agree, He would be in the midst of that agreement to see that it comes to pass. You are on earth so you qualify. You can lean on two of the best blessings that God has given us, His grace, and mercy will help you agree with another believer as touching anything that lines up with the Word of God, God is there in your midst to carry it out for His Kingdom purpose.
So what are you waiting for?
What a friend we have in Jesus!