Numbers 32:11-13
Surely none of the men that came up out of Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land which I sware unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob; because they have not wholly followed me:
We can all stand to
improve in consistently obeying God’s Word. Like Joshua, you may need reminders to be strong and courageous to consistently increase the habit of using God's Word daily.
How can we obey God's Word if we don't know what He is asking from us?
Without fail all the success stories in the bible have been where the characters obeyed without question what God instructed them to do, and came out the winner, and equally all the disasters have been were people did NOT obey God, but had a better idea and followed that instead.
Romans 1:21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
may need to recall that God will enable you to lead your family and will
never leave you as you obey Him. You may need His reminder that He is
calling you to spiritually lead, guide, and protect those under your
care. Your success in spiritual leadership of your family is directly
tied to your commitment to the Word of God.
Q) What kind of commitment to Christ does your family see in your recent actions?
Q) What kind of sacrifices are you making to encourage your family obey God?
Write three steps
you will take this week to increase your families use of God’s Word.
Christian Prayer: An Interpretation For All Of Us
The model for Christian prayer in Matthew 6 is known as the Lord's Prayer. Many of us have recited this prayer for years, but have never truly meditated on its meaning. The following are spiritual snippets based on the Lord's Prayer that can help deepen your prayer life with God:"Our Father" - God wants us to approach Him as "Heavenly Father" (Aramaic:Abba). He wants to take care of us and protect us. God desires intimacy. Remember, He has infinite love and grace. God wants us to be secure in His family as adopted children and heirs through Christ Jesus!
"Which Art in Heaven" -- Look up to God. Fear Him and revere Him. He is all-powerful and can deal with all our problems, even the big ones. But He loves us so much that He doesn't stay up there.
"Hallowed be Thy Name" -- Holy, holy, holy. Approach God with awe and wonder. Live a life that honors Him.
"Thy Kingdom Come" - "Take this job and love it!" Working on behalf of God's kingdom is the ultimate joy. Bloom where you're planted. Do everything as unto the Lord. Find your gifts and use them. Be open to God's leading each day.
"Thy Will Be Done" - God is the potter; we are the clay. God keeps us spinning on His potter's wheel, shaping and reshaping us as He bathes our lives in tears to make us more Christ-like so He can use us for His will. Submit by remembering your Baptism daily. Keep your clay moist through daily prayer.
"On Earth as it is in Heaven" -- Thy will be done - not my will be done!
"Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread" - Trust! God will provide for our needs. His eye is on the sparrow and I know He cares for me.
"Forgive Us Our Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors" -- Forgiveness = Submission. Don't carry your own backpack - submit everything to Him. In our weakness, God sends His strength and peace.
"Lead Us Not Into Temptation" - Watch for unrecognized temptation. Pray, so you won't fall. We are tempted every day. It deepens our walk and strengthens our faith - but be careful of spiritual blindness. Open my eyes, Lord, to my blind spots - use honest friends and family.
"Deliver Us From Evil" -- The Evil One, Satan. We are saved from death to life. Jesus is more powerful than Satan - God is I AM!
"For Thine Is the Kingdom (obedience), and the Power (confidence)and the Glory (joy), Forever" -- This is our Father's world. Everything we have is His. He is the ruler!